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American Rhetorical Movements
to 1900

Communication 340

Note Pages
Modes of American Public Discourse
Movement Theory
Movement Chronology to 1861
History of Compromise Legislation
Extent of Slavery in the Expanding Union
The Economics and Rhetoric of Slavery
Fugitive Slave Laws
Pennsylvania Manumission Act of 1780
Lincoln in Rhetorical Context
Suffrage Amendments to the Constitution

Two Feminisms Chart

Debate Instructions

Debate Resolutions
Federalists vs. AntiFederalists
Radical Abolition vs. Political Reform

Universal Suffrage vs. Negro Suffrage

Note Pages: Writing and Research
Writing the Rhetorical Critical Essay
Parts of the Paper
Brief Guide to MLA Style

Recommended Bibliographic Sources

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Related Outside Links
The links in this space are to major sources of primary documents as well as historical/cultural background. Other outside links on specific topics may be found throughout the site.
General American History & Public Address
Douglass Archives of American Public Address
Hypertext on American History
U.S. Historical Documents Archive
Internet Modern History Sourcebook
The Avalon Project
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S.
E Pluribus Unum Project (1770's, 1850's)

Acts of Congress, the Courts, and the Presidents

Congressional Documents and Debates 1774�1873
Making of America
Archiving Early America
The U.S. Mexican War (1846-1848)

Slavery and Abolition

Exploring Amistad
Africans in America
African American Slavery (Catholic U of America)
From Slavery to Freedom: African American Pamphlet Collection 1824-1909
African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A. P. Murray Collection, 1818-1907
North American Slave Narratives
Black Resistance: Slavery in the United States
Samuel J. May Antislavery Collection

The Civil War
Ken Burns' Civil War
American Civil War Homepage

The Valley of the Shadow
Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress
Woman's Rights
Votes for Women: Selections from the NAWSA Collection, 1848�1921
Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement 1848�1998

Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (PBS Online)
Stanton and Anthony Papers Project Online
Travels for Reform: The Early Work of
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1852-1861

Primary Texts

Modes of American Public Discourse:
Classical, Revolutionary, Prophetic

Caleb Bingham, "Oration on Eloquence," from The Columbian Orator
Declaration of Independence
Extract from John Woolman's Journal

The Early Discourse on Slavery
Thomas Jefferson, From Letter to Jean Nicolas Demeunier
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Holmes

  Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Constitution of the United States
Benjamin Franklin, On the Constitution
Federalist #9 [Hamilton]
Patrick Henry, Against the Federal Constitution

Fires of Abolition
The Confessions of Nat Turner
Wendell Phillips, The Murder of Lovejoy
Angelina Grimke, Speech in Pennsylvania Hall
William Lloyd Garrison, Liberator First Editorial
William Lloyd Garrison, Peace Declaration
Lucretia Mott, "The Law of Progress"
Frederick Douglass, "We Have Decided to Stay"
Frederick Douglass, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"

Congressional Repercussions
John Quincy Adams, Gag Rule Controversy: Question of Reception
John Quincy Adams, Gag Rule Controversy, Petition Purporting to Come From Slaves
John C. Calhoun, Speech on the Reception of Abolition Petitions

Lincoln, Slavery and Providence
Abraham Lincoln, A House Divided
Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural
Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural

Woman's Rights
Margaret Fell, Womens Speaking Justified
Angelina Grimke, Speech in Pennsylvania Hall
Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Massachusetts
Sarah Grimke, Letter in Response to the Pastoral Letter
Sojourner Truth, "A'n't I a Woman"
Seneca Falls Convention, Declaration of Sentiments
Susan B. Anthony, Remarks at Her Trial (Newspaper accounts of the 1873 trial on which Anthony based her speech, "Is It a Crime for a U. S. Citizen To Vote?"
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "The Solitude of Self"